Sunday, June 29, 2014

Jazlynn Baker -- Senior Pictures

Jazz and I had arranged a sunset photo shoot at Clear lake.. but after driving for half an hour without finding the lake, and the sun slowly sinking it became a sunset photo shoot at Thunder lake. 
Hope you love these pictures!

Dana&Alex -- Senior Photography

When Dana asked me to do her senior pictures, I'm not going to lie, I was a little nervous. I knew Dana from years past, but we had sort of lost touch. But I agreed, and headed off to Edmonton. And from the second I met up with her and Alex I had no idea why I was even nervous before. We picked up exactly where we had left off, like we had been friends the whole time. Even without a pineapple ;) 
I had a blast taking pictures of you guys, I hope you love the pictures!

I am just so excited with this picture! Dana's dress had more than enough sparkle already, but this was so fun

This couple was game for anything I threw at them. 


Who needs heels!?

I asked them to look like they actually liked each other. Apparently Alex didn't understand the concept.

This was a candid shot. They hadn't even realized I was ready to take a picture, and were just talking to each other. Much love. 

This might be my favorite picture of all. ♥